Monday, September 19, 2011

Salvador Dali


Salvador Dali
-World most recognized surrealist

Famous art works
-The persistence of memory

What is surrealism art?
-Developed from Dadaism
-Began during World War 1
-Ideas from subconscious and dreams

Example of Surrealism artwork by Dali

Principles of "Sleep"
  1. Contrast- Yellow and blue are the main contrasted colors in the artwork.
  2. Balance- The head part obviously is bigger than the tail part, it supported by crutches to hold for it from falling down.
  3. Flow- It’s eyes are led on the head to the parts held by the crutches, i.e., eyes, nose, lips, chin, and dripping neck.
  4. Depth- it is emphasizing the head in the center, and other objects just make it look nicer.
  5. Scale- A giant head in the middle compare with the dog and castle, its wants us to pay attention on the head.
  6. Movement- The head is bigger than the neck/tail, and it is from left to right. It might showing the meaning of the dream or subconscious of the artist.
  7. Unity- The face, dog, and the castle make the artwork look special and nice even though there are different category.

Element of "Sleep"
  1. Color-The main color is yellow and the secondary color is blue.
  2. Size- Compare with dog on the left hand side and the castle on right hand side, the face is the biggest object in the artwork.
  3. Shape- The whole artwork looks simple but only the crutches part looks like a bit messy.
  4. Line- There are only few kind of lines that used on this artwork which are curve line, soft line, and straight line.
  5. Texture- Everything inside looks smooth but the crutches.

Other artwork by Dali
The Persistence of memory

If you are looking for more sources or readings.

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