Monday, September 12, 2011

About Hoe Wei Liang

Hi, let me do brief introduction for myself first before i going to start blogging. my name is WeiLiang. I am 22 years old and from Negeri Sembilan. i am doing my degree in Psychology in HELP University. Well...i have done my diploma in Mass Comm in INTI Subang Jaya as well. There are a lot of my friends were asking me why i chose a different field to study after i done my diploma in Mass Comm. Actually studying Psychology is one of my dream when i was studying in secondary school.

"Then why you went to Subang Jaya and studied Mass Comm?" i believed that you guys have this question as same as what my friends asked to me.

Let me tell you guys why i did that. Story beginning, I had rejected by HELP University and just because my my English score not good enough. i was very frustrated on the moment and i listened to my friend's suggestion and chose a a easy course to study. However, Mass Comm is not that easy as i think. Anyway, i should be grateful because i can do what i want to do in the end.

If you guys want to know more about me, of course you guys can come and talk to me or can add me Facebook, MSN, Skype, and blak blak blak.....

INTI's life

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